Thursday, December 2, 2010

In which I try to install WINE

Some of my posts never got posted, though I'll try to fix them up soon and integrate them into new posts. Unfortunately, it all requires being timely: I believe I wrote a post (or part of one) about the Beatles being on the iTunes store.

Regrettably, some of my other projects have been neglected too: progress on a hypermarket-themed page on Pseudo3D's Projects has been going poorly, I haven't made an update on College Station Roads and Retail for weeks, and the less we talk about PS3DSC4, the better.

I tried installing PlayOnMac to run some Windows games. It doesn't do full screen yet (boo!) and it didn't install I Wanna Be The Guy properly (though admittedly, it did start up and play part of the intro), but it looked promising.

I'd like to try to give it another spin sometime, perhaps try SimCity 4 or other games that PC users rave about (it is supposed to be compatible with Crayon Physics, for instance).

Or perhaps I'll just go out and buy Windows 7 sometime, maybe this Christmas.

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