Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pac Rarities

This is an old ad I found when my mother was digging through old stuff. I have no idea of the context of this: it's probably early 1980s and the magazine isn't gaming, the reverse side talks about Christmas cookies and refers to a page 155. I have no idea if it's supposed to be part of a series either. The page when I got it was in bad shape (but complete), but subsequent time in storage caused it to tear. I taped back some parts, and I remember that the missing dialogue involved "This iceberg's being hijacked to Greenland" (that's what I remember when I got the page a few years ago, as little sense as it makes). "OK, Clyde, you've finally won. Take the Energizers!" (by the way, they're referring to what turns ghosts blue, not the battery)

(speaking of Pac-Man, this interpretation is hilarious and depressing)

Any help on this comic, where it came from, and it's context, would be appreciated.

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