Monday, November 4, 2013

The Smell

I woke in a half-asleep grogginess Sunday (4-6 am, due to the ending of DST) to a familiar smell in my nose. A second of identification remembered it as the smell of my uncle's old house in Baton Rouge. Not the upstairs (that could be achieved with the Nintendo Powers and poor ventilation, the latter of which isn't an issue anymore), but the downstairs, the first thing you would smell as you ventured toward the guest bathroom (not the inner vestibule with the toilet, but the one with the sink). Instantly I felt a new vigor in me, returning to the place that I hadn't been in for nearly 2 years. I began planning a project that I hadn't done in a long time...but then as I woke up, the smell was gone, and the project that I wanted to do forgotten. Was it all my imagination...?

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